W dniu dzisiejszym znana rosyjska organizacja- Virtus.Pro ogłosiła powołanie dywizji Fortnite.
Organizacja podpisała kontrakt z dwoma zawodnikami. Są nimi 17-letni Jamal „Jamside” Saidayev oraz 19-letni Artur „7ssk7”Kyourshin. Kontrakt został podpisany na próbę i trwa tylko do przyszłego roku.
Oświadczenie menedżera generalnego- Roman Dvoryankin:
Our team's arrival to Fortnite and the corresponding preparations were planned and in motion for quite a long time. We place high hopes both on the discipline itself and on the players we have signed. Artur and Jamal have consistently shown great results in various CIS Skillcustoms even before their arrival to Virtus.pro. Furthermore, Jamal holds the record for the highest kill count in CIS. The guys are young and hungry for victories. We are still considering the possibility of signing more players – our decision will be based on how the game's competitive scene will develop.